Even Trains that Have Left the Station Can Go In Reverse


I heard the expression that “the train has already left the station” as an indication that, despite certain things not being right, nothing more could be done to correct the project. This statement piqued my curiosity…can a train, with miles of cars attached, go in reverse? I have it on good authority (a train engineer) that a train can indeed go in reverse.

It’s a fact that everyone is extremely busy, probably too busy. Because of this, many have developed a checklist mentality. As soon as something is checked off their list, regardless of how Complete or Right it is, it becomes “the train that has already left the station”.

Below are three options for problematic trains that are headed your way.

Watch the Train Go

You can stand on the platform and watch the train pull away knowing the ride will be rough. If you keep the passengers informed with regular updates, warn those ahead of you and be prepared to handle the fallout, this may be a viable option.

Bring the Train Back

Easier said than done, but also a very viable option. The train won’t show up at future stations on time, other people’s schedules will impacted and it’s quite a spectacle when a train goes in reverse. However, the train can be brought back to the people who are accountable for getting things right.

Catch up with the Train

Picture yourself running on the track behind a train that is ever increasing in speed.This option means extra hussle, longer hours, and more cooperation and coordination. One trip-up in execution and you may be run over by the next train heading down the track.

My Favorite?

There’s a place for all three options, but I believe the most effective over the long-haul is to bring the train back. This is somewhat painful short-term, but it doesn’t take long for people to realize you’re serious about a smooth-ride.


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